Our Mission
To present the gospel of Jesus Christ, to promote spiritual and natural growth in the lives of the community we serve, and to provide a place of warm fellowship and encouraging worship.
Our Vision
We envision a community of believers; men and women with strong character who are committed to the communities we serve. While living a Godly life, we endeavor to properly share the word of the Lord, resulting in souls being saved and lives being changed.
Our Values
- We value the Word of God as God's true message to mankind.
- We value each other and all of God's creation.
- We value the importance of the sharing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- We value the needs of the whole person.
- We value a total commitment to the work of the Lord.
- We value a worship service that glorifies God and allows for His children to properly praise him with a meaningful and celebrative spirit.
- We value the importance of people having being trained and equipped in the knowledge of Jesus Christ so that God's work may be done effectively.
Our Beliefs
- We believe that the Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God. It reveals God to man as well as God's plan for man.
- We believe that God is One and that He chose to reveal. himself in three manifestations, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
- We believe in water baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- We believe in the reception of the Holy Ghost, which is evident by speaking in tongues.
- We believe that one must live a holy life.
- We believe in the importance of uniting together as a congregation, allowing for individual growth and unified service.